Games played with REBEL 8.0
Here you can find the test results of the REBEL 8.0 chess engine.
All games are played on 40 moves in 2 hours on Pentium machines with the Auto Player software AUTO232 of
Christian Donninger.

Check the testing details

Used machines are 2 x P90, 2 x P200 and 4 x PP200. Testing is fully automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week due to the AUTO232 software.

     MATCH         Pentium 90 Mhz      Pentium 200        Pentium PRO 200

Rebel8 - Genius3   36.0 - 32.0         34.5 - 26.5        31.5 - 24.5

Rebel8 - Genius5   34.5 - 39.5         44.0 - 37.0        40.5 - 31.5

Rebel8 - Mchess5   16.0 - 10.0                            15.0 -  8.0  

Rebel8 - Mchess6   14.5 - 13.5         13.0 - 15.0        21.0 - 11.0

Rebel8 - Rebel7    21.0 - 14.0

Rebel8 - Decade    28.5 -  8.5

Rebel8 - Nimzo3    33.0 - 21.0  

Rebel8 - Fritz3    34.5 - 17.5   

Rebel8 - Hiarcs4   39.5 - 26.5                            38.0 - 25.0

Rebel8 - Hiarcs5   29.0 - 29.0                            33.5 - 25.5

Testing of Rebel8 and also TV97.1 is hereby finished. In the meantime we are working on TV97.2 and also several (book)learning systems are tested now.

  • View final results of an improved version of Rebel8

  • How to order Rebel 8.0

  • Email your dealer

    The Rebel Home Page has been visited times.
    Since November 23, 1995

    Last update April 19,1997