
- INI File ChessFonts.ini -


To support as many true-type chess fonts as possible, the needed information isn't stored in the EPD2diag program itself, but in an extra file: ChessFonts.ini.

To make things easier for me as a programmer, I use the Windows INI file routines, so the ChessFonts.ini file has the format of a Windows INI file. The file has a main section and a section for each supported true-type font.

Main Section

The first section of the ChessFonts.ini file is the main section. This section contain mainly the number of described true-type chess fonts and the names of the fonts. This names must be the names under which the fonts are known to the Windows system. The related sections must use the same name.

  • [Chess Fonts]
    Name of the main section.
    Don't change this entry!!
  • Version=1
    Version number of the ChessFonts.ini file format.
    Don't change this entry!!
  • Date=21-DEC-1997
    Version date.
    Don't change this entry!!
  • LastUpdate=1-FEB-1998
    Date of last update (adding/edit) of fonts.
  • Fonts=14
    Number of fonts, described in the file.
  • Font1=Chess Berlin
    Name of first font in file.
    Each font is described in an extra INI file section. The names of the sections must be identical to the here given names. The given parameters must be given in a increasing indexed sequence, i.e. Font1, Font2, ..., Font9, Font10, ...

Font Description Section

Each INI file section describes one true-type font. The parameter names are identical to the names, used by FEN2DIAG (written by Alastair Scott).

The value for a parameter can be enter in to ways: as a printable character, using the format \c (c: any printable character, e.g. WhitePawn_W=\p in the "Chess Berlin" true-type font), or writing the number code of the character to use (e.g. WhitePawn_W=72 in the "Tasc Chess Figurine" true-type font).

  • [Chess Berlin]
    Name of the true-type chess font.
  • Blank_B=\+
    Code for an empty black field.
  • BlackKing_B=\L
    Code for a black king on a black field.
  • BlackQueen_B=\W
    Code for a black queen on a black field.
  • BlackRook_B=\T
    Code for a black rook on a black field.
  • BlackBishop_B=\N
    Code for a black bishop on a black field.
  • BlackKnight_B=\J
    Code for a black knight on a black field.
  • BlackPawn_B=\O
    Code for a black pawn on a black field.
  • WhiteKing_B=\K
    Code for a white king on a black field.
  • WhiteQueen_B=\Q
    Code for a white queen on a black field.
  • WhiteRook_B=\R
    Code for a white rook on a black field.
  • WhiteBishop_B=\B
    Code for a white bishop on a black field.
  • WhiteKnight_B=\H
    Code for a white knight on a black field.
  • WhitePawn_B=\P
    Code for a white pawn on a black field.
  • Blank_W=32
    Code for an empty white field.
  • BlackKing_W=\l
    Code for a black king on a white field.
  • BlackQueen_W=\w
    Code for a black queen on a white field.
  • BlackRook_W=\t
    Code for a black rook on a white field.
  • BlackBishop_W=\n
    Code for a black bishop on a white field.
  • BlackKnight_W=\j
    Code for a black knight on a white field.
  • BlackPawn_W=\o
    Code for a black pawn on a white field.
  • WhiteKing_W=\k
    Code for a white king on a white field.
  • WhiteQueen_W=\q
    Code for a white queen on a white field.
  • WhiteRook_W=\r
    Code for a white rook on a white field.
  • WhiteBishop_W=\b
    Code for a white bishop on a white field.
  • WhiteKnight_W=\h
    Code for a white knight on a white field.
  • WhitePawn_W=\p
    Code for a white pawn on a white field.
  • BorderNW=\1
    Code for the upper left corner of the border.
  • BorderN=\2
    Code for the upper line of the border.
  • BorderNE=\3
    Code for the upper right corner of the border.
  • BorderW=\4
    Code for the left line of the border.
  • BorderE=\5
    Code for the right line of the border.
  • BorderSW=\7
    Code for the lower left corner of the border.
  • BorderS=\8
    Code for the lower line of the border.
  • BorderSE=\9
    Code for the lower right corner of the border.

The Border... parameter are optional: if at least one of the border parameter isn't available, EPD2diag won't print a border for the diagram. All other parameter are mandatory.

Last updated: Sunday, 1. February 1998
© Manfred Rosenboom

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